Sex and Dating for Gay Men
Breaking Free from Relationship Red Flags
EST. 2024
exclusive online
group therapy for gay men
Online Group Therapy Los Angeles & California
exclusively for gay men
Tired of Ghosting, Gaslighting, Breadcrumbing and other Toxic Tactics* of Narcissists?
Do you ever . . .

Struggle to know where you stand with the men you like?
Settle for superficial scraps of attention on dates?
Wonder how someone like him could be with you?
Paint dating red flags green?
Meet only the introverts, narcissists, and porn addicts?
Spiral into overthinking, mind-reading, & guessing on dates?
View a new date as your last chance at finding love?
Confront him only in your head because you’re too afraid to say what you really want?
Piece together his texts, emojis, & social-media likes into the story you want, rather than what your friends see?
Fear the ‘crazy one’ in relationships is actually you?
Settle for situationships you don't really want?
End up too frustrated or scared to ask anyone on a date?
Stay in relationships far past their expiration date?
You Deserve Better!
Freedom and Relief are in Reach
This unique therapy group provides weekly guidance, community, and accountability for you and a few select gay men to help each of you find relief from personal relationship challenges. It offers members the benefits of Yalom group therapy, and much more than typical counseling groups.
Why wait until it
gets really bad?
Guided by an experienced therapist, you join a small group of motivated gay men for group therapy activities that help you find better ways to navigate dating and relationships. Collectively you hunt for dating and relationship red flags you may be missing, and learn to spot other toxic tactics narcissists use to manipulate and drag down unsuspecting people just like you.
The group support encourages you to gently confront and modify your own self-destructive thought and behavior patterns to build confidence and clarity in all your relationships. Only then can you start breaking free and take back the successful and meaningful life you deserve.

You can do this!
3 simple steps to real relief
1. Schedule a call
Choose a convenient time for a free 15-minute, no-pressure phone consult to learn about the benefits of grouptherapy.
2. Apply to Join!
Start the screening process as soon as you're interested. Space is very limited.
3. Find a better you
The unique group therapy activities help you find ways to get unstuck and start enjoying the life you deserve.
© Philip Douglas Lewis, M.A., Registered AMFT #135110 - Employed and supervised by Oliver Drakeford, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #104987